Create your first online course in just 3 days

and get paid (by your students)

to build it!

^^ It’s called a Beta Test—and we’ll teach you how to run it.


If you’ve got the skills to help your people get results, there’s a course in your brain. Now it’s time to add it to your offer ladder — and create the residual revenue stream that comes with it. 😉

We’ll guide you step-by-step in this $65 LIVE challenge










Claim your spot in the challenge for $65 (General Admission) →
Upgrade to lifetime access + 9 bonuses for only $130 additional (VIP Bundle) →

Sitting around stressing about the tech setup, curriculum buildout, and—oh yeah—how to actually get students is NO WAY to launch your very first digital course.

(Talk about an unnecessary waste of time, money, and energy!)

Give your business a digital-course glow up—
and more importantly, go from 1:1 work (and capped profits) t
o a one-to-many residual income model.


Because, while you’re stuck thinking …

💭 I’ve got to keep money coming in the door—I don’t have time for unpaid work in my day like creating a course from scratch…

💭 It will be SO complicated to create a digital course with tech I’ve never used before—I can’t spare the mental energy for that right now … 

💭 I need to have TONS of experience, be an ESTABLISHED expert, and get crystal-clear clarity on my exact, perfected curriculum before I can teach a COURSE on something … 

💭 I’ve gotta grow my audience, plus map that sales funnel & launch plan before I even THINK about telling the world I’ve got something to sell and teach …

Your course could’ve already made bank and bankrolled your creation process.




You won't be PERFECT on Day 1.

In fact: Iteration is the name of the game.

You’ve GOT to test, tweak, prove, and adapt


And get used to it... because you’ll do it over and over in this business.

If you’ve served clients, helped people get results, or developed skills in a specific subject area... there’s a course inside of you.

And that course could help you scale your business to greater freedom & profitability by breaking you away from the capped-profit game of trading dollars for hours.

BUT—without some guidance and accountability—the big, bad fears & doubts swirling around in your head can keep you from creating it.

^^^ Ahem—Paid to Create challenge comin’ in hot with a reliable step-by-step process and a few hundred course-creating friends by your side.

You’ve got a 10% shot at accomplishing a goal
just because you have the idea.

Map out a solid timeline, and you’re boosted up to 40% success—
But when you add specific, real-time accountability for that goal?

You’ve got a whopping 95% chance at nailing it.  


Turns out: spinning your wheels doesn’t increase your odds.


Neither does procrastination disguised as research … 

or perfectionism masquerading as "gaining experience” …
or building an audience on social media for added exposure …

… before you actually put anything out there.





Paid to CreateÂŽ

Live Challenge


 The step-by-step guide to outline, build, and pre-sell your first digital course in just THREE DAYS so you can get paying students—and priceless market validation!—without creating any of your course content up front. (Yep, we said that.) 


This results-oriented live challenge is unlike any other DIY course—in fact, it’s NOT a course.

This is a done-with-you group experience with a deadline + daily HW assignments that hold you accountable to actually implement what you learn! 


And the whole thing probably costs less than your last trip to Target.



When you join Paid to Create, you’ll: 

  • Get daily expert coaching from Ellen Yin, the founder of Cubicle to CEO and top course-creation educator (with thousands of Paid to CreateÂŽ Challenge success stories as receipts!) 
  • Follow the step-by-step guided process to Outline, Build, & Sell a beta version of your first digital course before you actually start creating the content. 
  • Understand why getting market validation & proof of concept before you actually create your course is best for your profitability, curriculum efficacy, and long-term success. 



3 Days of LIVE training and Q&A with Ellen Yin

11 am - 1 pm PST,  Monday, 10/28 - Wednesday, 10/30

Daily replays will be available for 24 hours with standard enrollment—or opt for lifetime access with the VIP Bundle Boost.

(General Admission) Join NOW for only $65 →
(VIP) Get $1500 in Bonuses for $130 Extra →


Hear directly from our alumni who have completed this 3 day challenge!

Walk through a proven step-by-step process
to create the digital course your people actually want—that pays for itself from your very first sale.

Day 1 // OUTLINE

On Monday (10/28), we’ll TAKE ACTION as we put pen to paper and create the curriculum roadmap for your digital course. This is all you need before you can start promoting—and selling—your course. We’ll unpack:

  • How to make swift decisions about the structure and content of your course based on your ideal audience and what they want and need.
  • The process for crafting high-converting messaging that speaks straight to your future students, and helps you package your unique perspective into an uncopyable framework so your course becomes the must-pick solution for your audiences’ problems or desires (Protecting you from the dreaded “But can’t I just learn this on YouTube?” questions.) 
  • The platform we recommend for easy course creation & sales with an unparalleled user experience for you and your students—plus an exclusive deal for Paid to Create members. 


Day 2 // BUILD

On Tuesday (10/29), we’ll start the buildout of your course and sales page, plus we’ll build your checkout page together—all in less than 30 minutes. We’ll walk you through:

  • How to easily upload your homework from day 1 into your course portal to create a professional, stunning course outline for your students—zero design work or coding needed. (We’ll even show you our 6-click magic trick to change the look of your course whenever you want!) 
  • Building a 15-minute checkout page with all the essentials and none of the fluff, so you can start getting paid immediately. Skip the sales page and fancy funnel, you won’t need them to enroll your first paying students!  


Day 3 // SELL

On Wednesday (10/30), you’ll learn to pre-sell and enroll paying beta students for your course with our proven “Sold Out Story” framework (and if you upgrade to the VIP Bundle Boost, you’ll get plug-and-play templates, too!) You’ll see in action:

  • Our 7-part Sold Out Story Framework that makes pre-selling your beta course a breeze, no matter what medium you sell through (Emails, social, in-person, DMs, etc.)  
  • Visual examples from past Paid To CreateⓇ students in two vastly different niches who successfully implemented this framework and sold out their beta spots!  
  • How to deliver a wow-worthy beta experience that generates insightful feedback and rave reviews, which you’ll later leverage as social proof to sell your finished course (that you got PAID to create) to the public!

And of *course* there are bonuses … 



We’re bringing in Alex Garcia, Customer Success Manager at Kajabi, our recommended platform that has helped creators and experts like you generate $6 BILLION (yes, with a B) dollars in revenue. 

This is your opportunity to have a direct conversation with someone who has seen behind the scenes of more than 60,000 course-based businesses. Alex will share juicy insights on best practices for what’s working right now in the course industry, creative ideas for selling your course with ease, and answer any other questions you may have. Bring your curiosity! 



No way you’re doing this alone! Team up with your fellow Paid To CreateⓇ first-time course creators to hold each other accountable for showing up to the live trainings + taking action on the daily HW assignments.

This is a private FB community to get feedback/support, ask questions, celebrate your wins, and network with like-minded entrepreneurs who are working toward the same goal as you. It’s like a group chat with all your new biz besties right there with you every step of the way!


PSSST! We’re giving away prizes to our most engaged challenge participants, so come prepared for this valuable group discussion to be ON FIRE! 🔥


courses pre-sold through Paid to Create


Teaching or tech experience needed


In collective earnings from PTC grad's courses


Days to get your course up & selling










Join now while you can! Get your ticket for only $65 (General Admission) →
Get $1500+ in bonus gifts for just $130 extra (VIP Bundle Boost) →

The price of digital courses ranges from less than $100 to several thousand. 


What does that tell you?

Launch your first digital course, & you can make back your investment in Paid to Create with just one sale.

General Admission Ticket

  • Daily expert coaching with Ellen Yin, the founder of Cubicle to CEO and top course-creation educator with a proven track record  - Value $1200

  • Step-by-step guided process to Outline, Build, & Sell a beta version of your first digital course before you actually start creating the content. - Value $1200
  • 3 days of guided action-steps and daily homework to help you launch your first digital course in just 72 hours. - Value $1200 
Save your seat for $65

VIP Ticket & Bundle Boost

  • Daily expert coaching with Ellen Yin, the founder of Cubicle to CEO and top course-creation educator with a proven track record - Value $1200

  • Step-by-step guided process to Outline, Build, & Sell a beta version of your first digital course before you actually start creating the content. - Value $1200

  • 3 days of guided action-steps and daily homework to help you launch your first digital course in just 72 hours. - Value $1200

  • On-Demand access to all the recorded live replays of the daily trainings in your VIP Dashboard (Standard challenge participants only have access to the replays for 24 hours after each class.) - Value $300

  • All of the slides from Day 1-3 in a downloadable pdf for convenient note-taking or referencing when you need a quick refresher. - Value $150
  • 7 additional bonuses in your VIP bundle  (see below) to accelerate your implementation, marketing, and course success . If you value convenience, you’ll want this. - Value $1500
Get the VIP experience for $195



Don’t miss out on the VIP Bundle Boost Bonuses


VIP BONUS #1: 60-Minute “Ask Me Anything” Group Call - $500 value

Pick Ellen’s brain and get customized feedback on ANYTHING digital course creation or marketing/sales! This VIP AMA Call is the perfect place to discuss advanced course scaling strategies we won’t have time to cover in the regular 3-day challenge.


VIP BONUS #2: “Price Your Course To Convert” Mini Training - $150 value

Uncover the top 2 factors that should influence and help determine the price of your program, along with the different payment options I recommend you offer based on industry standards.


VIP BONUS #3: DM Response Checklist & Scripts + “Sell in the DMs” Mini Training - $250 value

Swipe our DM scripts & checklist to skyrocket your sales with effective, collaborative responses to the top 3 objections: “I don’t have time,” “I don’t have money,” and “I need to think about it.” Selling doesn’t have to be slimy when you use our tried & true scripts to serve your ideal client through these important conversations!


VIP BONUS #4: Market Research Questionnaire + Mini Training - $100 value

Get inside the heads of your dream students and use these 10 proven questions to pull out the exact right words during your research that your people need to hear/read in your marketing copy to say YES to joining your not-yet-created course!


VIP BONUS #5:  Beta Launch Inspo Vault - $250 value

Take a spin through our vault of promo examples from Paid To Create alumni in 80+ unique niches to inspire creativity for your own beta launch!


VIP BONUS #6: Customizable “Sold Out Story” Canva Template - $50 value

Design not your thing? Make it easy with our plug + play Instagram story template to promote your course launch! You can repurpose the graphics on any social platform. We cover the “Sold Out Story” framework on Day 3 inside the challenge.


VIP BONUS #7: “5 Digital Products That Made $1.5 Million” Workshop - $200 value

A behind-the-scenes look at how we’ve created and sold over $1.5 MILLION in digital products to 11,000+ customers, including our five favorite product types and how they’re structured.

An insane $1,500 Total Value

ALL YOURS for just $195 (only $130 more than General Admission)

I want $1500 in bonuses! VIP Bundle Boost Please

Paid to Create only runs LIVE once a year— 


Don’t miss out on 12 months of sales & business growth waiting for the next round!


With over 2,644+ alums of the Paid to Create challenge, we’ve maintained a 99% success rate.

Due to the LIVE and digital nature of this product, no refunds will be provided for any reason.
But, our hope and aim is that a refund won’t even cross your mind—we’ve made the program actionable and affordable to eliminate the doubt & get you on your way to your first digital course in just three days.

Read the Terms & Conditions here.



Hey, I’m Ellen—an accidental entrepreneur
and unapologetic superfan of digital programs.

I landed my first client a month after quitting my corporate job without a backup plan and never submitted another resume again. Over the past 5 years, Cubicle to CEO has served more than 14,000 students, and my online courses and memberships have collectively generated over $1.5 MILLION in revenue.  

So yes, I know a thing or two about creating and selling digital programs. ;) But even more importantly, I can teach you how to create programs that generate massive impact. 

Through this live challenge, we have seen all kinds of people (with varying talents, experience levels, backgrounds, etc.) successfully launch their first online course in just 3 days. Thousands have kick-started their shift from 1:1 work to a scalable business model. Hundreds of students have scaled to six figures and beyond under my mentorship.

Now, it’s YOUR turn!

Check off one (or a few) of the boxes below—
and you’ll know Paid to Create is a perfect fit.

  • You’re good at what you do … and you know it. BUT, when every single dollar that comes into your business needs YOU to earn it, burnout’s waiting just around the corner. It’s time to scale your business and escape the trading-dollars-for-hours grind. Go from 1:1 work to a scaleable, sustainable business model when you add your first digital course to your offerings to generate consistent residual income.

  • You’re not a jack of all trades—you know you want to create a course, but you also know you could use some instruction and hand-holding when it comes to actually getting it done. I mean, there’s a reason you’ve been thinking about doing this dang thing for months or even years and still have no progress to show for it, right? You know something’s gotta change if you want to check creating a course off your bucket list once and for all. You’ve come to the right place—put 3 days on your calendar, and let’s get this plan in motion! 

  • It’s time to get the perfectionism monkey off your back. You could use some accountability to actually get your digital course out of your head and onto the web… without wasting a ton of time on things you think are important… but really aren’t. (We’ll lovingly call you out on that!) The energy in each live cohort is UNMATCHED. People leave feeling more accomplished in 3 days than they have in the last 3 years (we’ve heard this feedback over and over again in the last 10 cohorts, so we know by now it’s not just a one-time fluke!) It’s hard to procrastinate when everyone around you is making tangible progress! The momentum and good vibes are infectious. 

  • You’re not a fan of stacking up courses just for them to collect digital dust when you don’t actually self-lead yourself through any of that self-led content. Not only is Paid to Create a live challenge for a reason (aka let’s GET IT DONE), we also teach you how to create a course that inspires your future students to take action and get results for themselves, too. 
Let’s create & pre-sell YOUR first digital course in 72 hours




In case you were wondering…

 Paid to CreateŽ Live Challenge

The step-by-step guide to o
utline, build, and pre-sell your first digital course
in just THREE DAYS so you can get paying students—and priceless market validation!—without creating any of your course content up front. (Yep, we said that.) 


This results-oriented live challenge is unlike any other DIY course—in fact, it’s NOT a course.

This is a done-with-you group experience with a deadline + daily HW assignments that hold you accountable to actually implement what you learn! 


And the whole thing probably costs less than your last trip to Target.



When you join Paid to Create, you’ll: 

  • Get daily expert coaching from Ellen Yin, the founder of Cubicle to CEO and top course-creation educator (with thousands of Paid to CreateÂŽ Challenge success stories as receipts!) 
  • Follow the step-by-step guided process to Outline, Build, & Sell a beta version of your first digital course before you actually start creating the content. 
  • Understand why getting market validation & proof of concept before you actually create your course is best for your profitability, curriculum efficacy, and long-term success. 



3 Days of LIVE training and Q&A with a 7-Figure Course Creator

11 am - 1 pm PST,  Monday, 10/28 - Wednesday, 10/30

Daily replays will be available for 24 hours with standard enrollment—or opt for lifetime access with the VIP Bundle Boost.









Join NOW for as little as $65 →

More Happy Challengers!


Please note: no refunds will be provided for any products sold by Ellen Yin Media LLC for any reason. By completing your purchase, you are agreeing to these terms & conditions. Any testimonials provided on this page are not to be interpreted as any guarantee, promise, and/or representation - your results will be unique to your individual business, expertise, capacity, background, and effort. 

Thank you to our challenge partner!