5 Networking Tips to Grow Your Business
Feb 04, 2020
They say that "Your network is your net worth," and that's so true.
Without people, your business wouldn't customers, followers, or even employees (or contractors) to help bring your vision to life.
For me, my business wouldn't be where it is today without all of the people who believed in me. Mentors, clients, team members, and people I've met all over the world are the key reasons how I found success.
Networking might sound scary, especially if you're introverted.
Spending time building the right relationships can do more than having a huge following.
I firmly believe that.
Here are 5 networking tips to help you build better business relationships:
1. Realize that no one is out of reach
You're about 2-6 degrees removed from anyone in the world. The world might seem huge, especially in the age of the internet but this theory shows that through an average of 5 connections, you are connected with pretty much anyone in the world.
For example, you might have a dream client - let's name her Anna. Anna is a huge CEO of an ethical branding company that you would love to work with. You don't know Anna directly but Anna's secretary is an avid fan of the vegan lifestyle. That secretary follows you on Instagram because you're constantly posting vegan recipes.
Now you're only 2 degrees removed from that CEO 😊 Imagine if they were seeking a vegan contributor in the future. That secretary would easily chime in with your name.
That's why these connections are so valuable.
2. It's not about who you know but who knows you.
You have to get yourself in rooms where the conversations are happening.
For the more extroverted business owners, this means going to conferences and daring yourself to shake hands with the titans of your industry. Do it. It's scary, but it removes another degree of separation.
If you're shy or more introverted, you can still put yourself in front of others. Join Facebook groups and answer questions. While you might think you're taking the time to talk to just one person, the hundreds of members who are lurking might scroll by and read your response.
Keep interacting with people.
3. The fortune is in the FOLLOW-UP.
Check-in with people. Say hi. Celebrate their wins and congratulate them when they change their jobs.
After you go to a convention, follow them on social media. Comment on their posts and respond to their stories.
This allows you to stay on people's radar and builds the relationship over a long-term connection.
4. Be interesting by becoming interested.
How many times have you received a DM from someone who is only interested in your money?
It doesn't feel good, does it?
People are getting smarter in this day and age and they don't respond well to being pitched by strangers, especially when the stranger only talks about them.
So be curious. Be open-minded. Ask questions about their lives and build a genuine connection without asking for anything in return. Be interested in their lives.
5. People want to know how much you care.
It doesn't matter how much you know.
People want to know how much you CARE.
That means, whenever you are interacting with people, keep the thought and question of, "How can I help or support this person?" in the back of your mind.
Want to learn more about connecting with people to grow your business and make more money?
I created a FREE, on-demand training just for you on how to use my step-by-step client attraction system to create your first $10K month, WITHOUT a large audience, posting more content, or running expensive ads!
Claim your bonus gift by watching now: ellenyin.com/class
Have you struggled to market without a huge audience? Leave a comment below!
You can also tag me @missellenyin & @cubicletoceo with your response